
Over the years we realized that the greatest impact on a child’s life happens before he/she turns 7 years of age,  and that if we want to holistically nurture and develop children into the best person God intended them to be, we have to start working at a very young age. This is how the need for a top quality pre-school, within walking distance, was identified.

Our Pre-School Programme has been running for thirteen years and we have 60 preschoolers, taught by four qualified teachers in three groups: 3-4 year olds; 4-5 year olds, and Grade R.  The opportunity to provide a preschool presented itself some years ago, and we see it as a great privilege to provide early childhood education.  We have also noticed that  the parents, grandparents and guardians are taking more responsibility for the education of their dependants.

When our preschoolers go on to attend local primary schools, we continue to cater for them in the afternoons at our Aftercare Centre.

Our goal

To have a top quality pre-school within walking distance for the residents of the Zandspruit Informal Settlement and to guide these children into the best primary, secondary and tertiary educational opportunities thereafter.

The school

The preschool accommodates 60 children and 4 qualified teachers in a container classroom format. The school syllabus is run by the “Play-with-a-Purpose” franchise, which is an accredited pre-school stimulation program, with many successful preschools forming part of their program.

To find out more about “Play-with-a-Purpose”, click here.

Contact person

With any questions regarding the Preschool Project, please contact Margaret le Roux at 082 907 7935 or OR Rebecca Shika (Principal) on 082 407 8254.