How it all started?

The Golang Aftercare Centre was our first project.  After visiting the informal settlement of Zandspruit in Honeydew at the beginning of 2002, and witnessing the desperate living conditions of thousands of people, we felt the need to make a difference – a real urge to do something for the children of the community. We met with a local Pastor who suggested we start a care facility in the afternoons to keep the children off the streets – away from prostitution, drugs and alcohol.

And so the Golang Aftercare Centre was born. What initially started off as a once a week “sandwiches and play afternoon”, is now a five-days-a-week, cooked meal, holistic stimulating program, including homework supervision. Our vision is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for the children of Zandspruit, where we treat them as special individuals and guide them spiritually, emotionally, socially, mentally and recreationally.

Our Team

We have a dedicated team of people, passionate about children and wanting to make a difference in their community. We have 15 employed educators and child care workers, 1 cook and 2 maintenance staff, all from the local Zandspruit community, who are exposed to regular training opportunities and who have developed into a strong and committed team. This forms part of our commitment to make the project sustainable. Our current on-site monitor is Violet Radebe. We have a Board of Directors who meet quarterly – volunteers from the local churches who also provide some sponsorship.

The Programme

Our goal with the day to day program is to have a balance between free play and a structured stimulating environment. We therefore start everyday at 2pm with free play, then lunch, followed by our formal program. The following is our repertoire of structured activities all presented by trained educators and volunteers:

  • Homework Tutoring
  • Storytelling
  • Drama
  • Sports and group games
  • Art
  • Library facilities
  • Music and dance
  • Value-based programs

Other Events

1. Parents’ Day:
We have a Parents’Day during the year where we invite  parents to an information morning, with a concert presented by the children at the Aftercare Centre. We have had a tremendous response from parents showing their gratitude and ownership in this way.
2. Youth Camp:
Once a year, funds permitting, we have a camp for our Grade 7 and High School pupils. This camp is held at a retreat in Magaliesberg with great facilities. Our focus is on equipping the children for high school with values and life skills such as leadership abilities, social skills, peer pressure, conflict resolution, goal setting, being a child of God.
Sponsors offer an outing to the children, with an educational theme, once a year.
3. Staff Retreat:
This is a treat for our whole team where we spend time not only team-building, but also having some fun. It is held once a year.

Contact person

Any questions regarding the Aftercare Centre, please contact Margaret le Roux on 082 907 7935 or OR Violet Radebe on 076263 9502.