The name of the High School Ministry is “Impumelelo Phambili”, which means “Achieving Forward”. This ministry began in February 2008 as a result of our children graduating from the Aftercare Centre.

The Golang Aftercare Centre caters for the needs of children ages 6-12 (Grades 1-7) living in  the Zandspruit Informal Settlement. Over the past eleven years, we have built into the lives of these children and then watched them graduate out of the ministry when they reached Grade 7. It has been our desire to continue ministering to them as they continue in Grades 8-12 (13 -18 years). At this important stage in their lives, we try to provide an environment where our high school students can continue to be nurtured spiritually, assisted in their school studies, motivated to make good life choices, and have a safe place to be themselves, as we discuss issues that pertain to their world.

We also believe that it is imperative to expose the students to opportunities to serve within, and outside of, their own community, in order to teach them how to give back to society.  We want to instil a sense of ownership, responsibility and hope in these up-and-coming young adults who are growing up in disadvantaged circumstances.

We meet weekday afternoons from 16h30-17h30 at the Emthonjeni Community Centre, as well as occasional Saturdays from 09h30 – 11h30, except during the school holidays.

What we do:

Our program has a focus on homework tuition, spiritual discipleship, teaching from God’s Word, and small group discussions around the teaching topic.  Within the calendar year, there are outreach events, opportunities to serve the community, a weekend camp and other special events.


  • Volunteers – especially male/female leaders who would be positive role models to help mentor and lead group discussions
  • People who have a job skill or trade they could teach to the students
  • People who could assist with tutoring and homework
  • Motivational speakers who have risen out of their own circumstances
  • Someone to sponsor the cost of the food
  • Adopt a student program – sponsor a high school student to cover school fees, uniforms, and transportation costs
  • Golang bus or taxi to transport the students
  • Funds for a mission trip or camp weekend

Contact person

With any questions regarding the High-school Ministry, please contact Margaret le Roux at 082 907 7935 or or Nhlanhla Mbuyisa on 084 895 2447.